Monday, July 14, 2014

Mutiny averted

The wind gods were starting to help us out as the day started in light winds from about 180 (south - where we have been trying to go) and our heading of 240 ish (about to Fiji - a slight miss on Maui and certainly too far for the food we have on board), things got better and better to winds in the 10-13kt range from 130, allowing us to steer 195-210 for at least half of the day. That heading is basically straight at Hawaii from here.

Moods on board shifted to a much more positive outlook, the discussions of having to sacrifice someone on board to food rations disappeared and generally people were much more relaxed.

There had been grumbling among the crew and it appeared we were heading for a certain mutiny, so Travis spent an hour making bread. This ended up being a huge success and the mutiny appears to have subsided (at least for now). Travis is not a baker, but he found a secret.... if you deprive people for 10-12 days, they will eat just about anything.

To occupy time, mid afternoon Adam decided to try fishing again. He started trailing the line, and fairly quickly spotted a Mahi trailing his lure. It bit, but the hook did not set well and after a few leaps through the air was able to shake the hook. I am sure that we will get the lure out first thing in the am to attempt for more.

The evening of the 14th, the winds subsided a bit and we have been making slow progress in 7-9kts (still from 130 ish) almost directly Hawaii. It is sunrise now, winds are still light, but appear to be backing (coming from further east - maybe 110 now) and we are readying our orange reaching kite. Even though this will not likely make for faster sailing, it makes the crew believe we are going quicker. The boat will heal over further, make more sound.... generally fooling most men into the false sense of speed.

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